There Are Some People Without Belly Buttons

Have you ever imagined looking at your abdomen and not seeing your belly button? Well, this is an everyday sight for some people. There are two main reasons why a person may have no belly button.

Gastroschisis and omphalocele are the main cause of an absent belly button.

Gastroschisis occurs as a result of herniation of parts organs in the abdominal cavity into a "hole" in the abdomen near the umbilical cord, without any membrane protecting them. This is due to poor formation of the inner layers of the abdomen.

In the case of an Omphalocele, herniation of the abdominal organs occur right in the middle of the abdomen, where the belly button should be. The organs in this case, are covered by a membrane or lining.

Diagnosis of these conditions can be made easily from ultrasound scans done during antenatal care, and they could be corrected by surgical intervention without great complexity. Children can have normal lives after treatment, as the belly button has no special function in the body.
